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Official websites use .gov
A .gov website belongs to an official government organization in the United States.

Secure .gov websites use HTTPS
A lock ( ) or https:// means you’ve safely connected to the .gov website. Share sensitive information only on official, secure websites.

Frequently Asked Question(s)

The followings are some of our most frequently asked questions, if you still cannot find answers here, please contact Treasury HelpDesk.

Creating a secure, strong password Protect yourself online.
Read and use these password security guidelines to create a strong, secure password.
Great passwords should:
  • Combine upper and lower case letters, symbols, and numbers. The more varied your password is, the harder it is to guess. Use at least one number and one capital letter. Watch for the password strength indicator to give you some hints.
  • Have eight or more characters. Longer passwords are more secure.
  • Not be obvious. Do not use personal information like your name, birthday, or driver's license number.
  • Avoid sequences or repeated characters. Examples: 12345678, 222222, abcdefg, or adjacent characters on your keyboard (QWERTY).
  • Be different than your password for other sites. Otherwise, if someone acquires that one password, they could use it to access your accounts with other sites.
Keep it safe:
  • Keep your password fresh. Change your password regularly, at least once a year. The more often, the better.
  • Keep your password secure. If needed, keep a record of your passwords in a safe place.
  • Do not share your password. Never give out your password to anyone, not even friends.
  • Do not recycle your passwords. Create new, unique passwords. Never re-use one from the past.
  • Use antivirus software. Equip your computer with antivirus software.
Even if you have a secure password, a computer virus can allow someone to compromise it.
  • Be careful when visiting websites. If you get an e-mail asking you to change your password or provide any personal information, be cautious, even if it appears to come from a legitimate company.
  • Type the password in yourself. Rather than clicking a link in such an e-mail, type Treasury site's URL into your browser's address bar.
  • Look for or Only type your sign-in information into sites that end with "".

Internet Browser
This system works best if you use Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge. While this website only uses first-party cookies to identify your session.
First-party cookies are cookies that are associated with the host domain. Third-party cookies are cookies from any other domain. For example, when you visit by typing the URL in the address bar, all set cookies from and are in a first-party context, and the cookies from and are in a third-party context. If your browser detects third-party cookies, please check to see if you are on the correct domain.

Cookies Usage
Password Protected
Where this site is password protected, it will use Cookies. A cookie is a small file that is placed on your hard drive during your visit. This file will be deleted when you close the browser. A cookie in no way gives us access to your computer or any information about you. They are not executable programs, and consequently it is impossible for a cookie to contain a virus, or any other application. Cookies are also very small, and you run no risk of filling your hard drive with too many cookies. The cookie that is placed on your computer as a result of you registering on this site that contains only your unique reference number which was allocated by the registration process. There is no information in the cookies that can identify you personally. The cookie is only valid when you access this site. Cookies are uniquely assigned to your user profile, and can only be read by the host domain that issues the cookie to you. These cookies are needed to allow you to view contents. We collect and use anonymous aggregated usage date for the purpose of quality control and administering. It is not recommended that you prevent your browser from accepting new cookies by disable cookies altogether with your browser preferences menu. This will likely affect the functionality and personalization features offered when you use the Site.
Information We Collect During Your Visit
In order to continually improve your experience, we use session cookies to identify who you are and the date of your visit. The use of these cookies helps us gather appropriate data tailored to your small business socio-economic categories. We only use the data gathered for statistical analysis purposes in order to improve your visit's experience.
This site utilizes a secure server to protect your professional information. Secure server software is used to encrypt the information sent between your internet browser and our internet site. This ensures the security of your professional details when using this site. We follow strict security procedures in the storage and disclosure of information you have given to us and may, on occasion, request proof of identity before we disclose any professional information to you.

Contact Us
If you have any general inquiries, content updates, questions or concerns about your professional information or your request to opt-out of communications from Treasury, please contact Treasury OSDBU.
For technical difficulties, please visit our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) page; otherwise, please send an e-mail message to Treasury HelpDesk.

Logging In
This website uses CAPTCHA (Completely Automated Public Turing Test To Tell Computers and Humans Apart) technology to deter web site attacks and attempts to gain unauthorized access to your information.
  • Protecting your registration: To prevent "bots" from sign up for thousands of user accounts every minute, this ensures only humans obtain accounts.
  • Preventing Dictionary Attacks: To prevent your password from being able to iterate through after a certain number of unsuccessful logins.
This technology is also accessible under Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act.

The North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) is the standard used by Federal statistical agencies in classifying business establishments for the purpose of collecting, analyzing, and publishing statistical data related to the U.S. business economy.
NAICS was developed under the auspices of the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), and adopted in 1997 to replace the Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) system. It was developed jointly by the U.S. Economic Classification Policy Committee (ECPC), Statistics Canada, and Mexico's Instituto Nacional de Estadistica y Geografia , to allow for a high level of comparability in business statistics among the North American countries.
The Bureau of Census website provides the latest information on plans for NAICS revisions, as well as access to various NAICS reference files and tools.

Unique Entity ID
Before you can bid on government proposals, you need to obtain a Unique Entity ID, an identification number for your business. The registration is free for all businesses required to register with the federal government for contracts or grants.
What do I need to get my Unique Entity ID Number?
When registering for your Unique Entity ID Number, you will need the following on hand:
  • Legal name
  • Headquarters name and address for your business
  • Doing Business As (DBA) or other name by which your business is commonly recognized
  • Physical address, city, state and ZIP Code
  • Mailing address (if separate from headquarters and/or physical address)
  • Telephone number
  • Contact name and title
  • Number of employees at your physical location
  • Whether you are a Home-Based Business
How do I get my Unique Entity ID?
Getting your Unique ID is easy. Visit GSA's SAM Entity Registrations to obtain more detailed instructions on applying for your business entity.
Also, see the Small Business Administration's Basic requirements page for getting proper registrations and ID numbers.

Privacy Statement
Thank you for visiting the U.S. Department of the Treasury’s Small Business Electronic Capability Statement. We respect your privacy and believe you should be informed about how we collect and use your professional information.
To find out what information we are requesting, please visit What Companies Submit section of this page.
To find out what we do with the information collected, please visit What Treasury Review section of this page.
Please note you are using an official United States Government System which may be used only for authorized purposes. The Government may monitor and audit usage of this system, and the use of this system constitutes consent to such monitoring and auditing. Unauthorized attempts to upload information and/or change information on this site are prohibited.

Rules of Behavior
The following Rules of Behavior are the minimum rules for small business users who are requesting an user account:
  1. You must conduct only authorized business on the system.
  2. Your level of access to the SB e-CS system is limited to ensure your access is no more than necessary to perform your legitimate tasks. If you believe you are being granted access that you should not have, please contact Treasury SB e-CS Team.
  3. You must maintain the confidentiality of your authentication credentials such as your password. Do not reveal your authentication credentials to anyone; a Treasury employee should never ask you to reveal them.
  4. You must follow proper logon/logoff procedures. You must manually logon to your session; do not store you password locally on your system or utilize any automated logon capabilities. You must promptly logoff when session access is no longer needed. If a logoff function is unavailable, you must close your browser. Never leave your browser unattended while logged into the system.
  5. You must report all security incidents or suspected incidents (e.g., lost passwords, improper or suspicious acts) related to the SB e-CS system to the Treasury SB e-CS Team.
  6. You must not establish any unauthorized interfaces between Treasury applications and other non-Treasury systems.
  7. Your access to the SB e-CS system constitutes your consent to the retrieval and disclosure of the information within the scope of your authorized access, subject to the Privacy Act, and applicable Federal laws.
  8. You must safeguard system resources against waste, loss, abuse, unauthorized use or disclosure.
  9. You must not enter your personally identifiable information (PII), such as social security number, date of birth, family information, anywhere on SB e-CS system.
  10. You must not browse, search or reveal SB e-CS information except in accordance with that which is required to perform your legitimate tasks or assigned duties. You must not retrieve information, or in any other way disclose information, for someone who does not have privilege to access that information.
By your electronic acceptance (such as by clicking the acceptance checkbox on the Registration page or logging in), you must agree to these rules.

Top Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) Topics
Topic #1: Cannot register as a new company.
  1. I have not received e-mail notification that I created a new account. Is there going to be one?
    There is no e-mail notification for new company registration, users can log in immediately.

  2. There is no acknowledgement from system that registration has taken place or when I can start logging in. Is there a waiting period?
    There is no waiting period. Please make sure that registration is successful, you will see a "Welcome" message if the registration has gone through. Hint: Check if password and confirm password have been entered, this is usually the case when creating a new company. Also, please note that e-mail must be in correct format. Phone number must be numeric, (###) ###-#### format is preferred. If registration is successful, the system will display a “Welcome” message where user has to click on “OK” button and proceeds to log in.

  3. After I filled in the form, nothing worked. I could not get the form to expand to enter new company's information. Why is the site locking up?
    If none of the buttons work, except for the "Cancel" button, please go back to the form and look for error messages. These are located next to each filled in field, indicating what the error is. Please note that the text criteria is different for each field on the form.

Topic #2: Cannot register for an existing company.
  1. I cannot find my company name in list on the Registration page. Is this list coming from System for Award Management (SAM), Central Contractor Registry (CCR) or any government-wide data repository?
    Yes, all information come from GSA SAM system.

  2. I have not received e-mail notification when clicked on “Send Request”. Is there a waiting period?
    If you are registering for the first time, OSDBU will review your profile to ensure you have the correct NAICS. Periodically, OSDBU will send out reminder for you to update your information. The system will send a notification to the owner of the company profile. If you do not receive an e-mail notification, make sure that your mailbox does not filter messages from

  3. After I filled in the form, none of the buttons on the form worked. Why is the site blocking my browser?
    If none of the buttons work, except for the "Cancel" button, please go back to the form and look for error messages. These are located next to each filled in field, indicating what the error is. Please note that the text criteria is different for each field on the form.

Topic #3: Other Registration issues
  1. When I filled in all required information and clicked on “Send Request”, the website returned me to Log in screen. Does this mean I am done?
    The website would display a "Welcome" message if your request has been sent. If you do not see this, it is possible that you have waited too long to make the request. Treasury policies made the website automatically reset session cookies after 20 minutes of inactivity. Also, make sure browser is “enabled for JavaScript”.

  2. I have more than one people in my company who will attend Vendor Outreach Session, where can I add an additional person?
    Due to the volume of attendees, please limit to no more than two people per company. To have another person joins you at the Vendor Outreach Session, please register this person as a Registrant and approve his/her access. This shows that the person is authorized by you to attend, and the system will automatically add him/her into the list of attendees.

  3. I cannot make it to the Vendor Outreach Session appointments that I signed up, can I have another person goes in my place?
    Depending on the location of OSDBU Vendor Outreach Session, some Treasury buildings do require advanced notice of your arrival. To have another person attends Vendor Outreach Session in your place, please register this person as a Registrant and approve his/her access at least 48 hours prior to the event. This shows that the person is authorized by you to go in your place, and the system will automatically add him/her into the list of attendees. There is no need to make another appointment for this person.

Topic #4: Cannot log into the site, even after successfully reset password.
  1. I cannot access the website after I have created an account and reset my password. Did my registration go through?
    When you create a new account for an existing company from the list, the original creator of that company's profile, "the Owner", automatically receives a notification of your request. This person needs to approve your request. We cannot make this decision on your behalf. Please contact the owner directly, to expedite the wait time. If the original creator of the profile is no longer with the company, please contact Treasury HelpDeskand we will be able to assist.

  2. Can I copy-and-paste my capability statement from a word processing tool?
    The system does not accept copy-and-paste text from word processing software such as MS Word due to various formatting issues. The system will provide best effort to paste text only, please use the functions provided on the site when apply formatting.

Topic #5: Cannot log in with my user ID and password
  1. I cannot log in using my User ID and Password. I have created more than one account, one for each role. Which account should I use?
    Please note, the website currently accepts only users with the role "Registrant". You can only log in with user role "Registrant". The system currently does not recognize any other roles. Please note, while you can use your e-mail address for User ID, it is not recommended that you use any other special characters in this field. Our secured server will be able to detect and filter these, making your input not what you originally intended.

  2. I forgot my user ID or password. What should I do?
    If you have forgotten your User ID, please go to "Retrieve Information" page to retrieve your information.

    If you forgot just your password, please go to the "Reset Password" page where you will be asked to select a series of security features to validate your information. Your reset password will be e-mail to the address used in your registration.

    If you need to re-register, please ensure that you do not re-use the same company name, but a variation of it. OSDBU will conduct periodic reviews and at their discretion, request you to confirm if the not used information be removed.

  3. I cannot log in using my User ID and password, why does the system cannot find my user information?
    To log in, and to register for access, you will need to enter the codes from ID.Me. This feature will prevent automation from attempting to log in as you or to create multiple duplicated profiles for small businesses.

    If you have done all of these and the system still cannot find your information, it is possible that your account has not been approved by the company's profile owner. Until the owner approves, the system will not be able to locate your information.

  4. I cannot log in with my User ID, password and the image codes, why do the buttons on the log in page do not work?
    If the buttons on the page do not work, please look at the error messages next to the fields that you entered on the log in page. There are different text criteria for the user ID and password.