Unique Entity ID
Before you can bid on government proposals, you need to obtain a
Unique Entity ID, an identification number for your business. The
registration is free for all
businesses required to register with the federal government for
contracts or
What do I need to get my Unique Entity ID Number?
When registering for your Unique Entity ID Number, you will need
following on hand:
- Legal name
- Headquarters name and address for your business
- Doing Business As (DBA) or other name by which your business is commonly recognized
- Physical address, city, state and ZIP Code
- Mailing address (if separate from headquarters and/or physical address)
- Telephone number
- Contact name and title
- Number of employees at your physical location
- Whether you are a Home-Based Business
How do I get my Unique Entity ID?
Getting your Unique ID is easy. Visit GSA's SAM Entity Registrations to obtain more
detailed instructions on applying for your business entity.
Also, see the Small Business Administration's Basic requirements
for getting proper registrations and ID numbers.